
Preserving Against Decay through Education

As an educational institution rooted in God’s Word, we affirm and promote a biblical worldview including philosophical positions explicitly and implicitly represented in the Bible. We hold a correspondence view of truth, that the laws of logic are necessarily true, that faith and knowledge are complementary, that there is objective right and wrong, and that the meaning of a text can be known through investigating authorial intent.


Proclaiming the Gospel through Education

The purpose of education at Flatirons is primarily a proclamation of the Gospel--the good news that the awesome life, death and resurrection of Jesus reconciles and restores lost and broken people to the good, Creator of the universe. We believe every activity is an opportunity to apply the good news with specific thoughts, attitudes, and actions. In the context of education, this means that teaching and learning is a way to reflect, worship, relate to, and obey our creator.


Reinforcing the Family through Education

The family is the primary social structure created by God as the foundation for society and culture. Parents are the primary educators and programs, schedules, and calendars are designed with families in mind.


Cultivating Community through Education

The primary platform for making connections among students and families are the ordinary activities and events of the school year. It is our goal to create a small town environment for people who live in the metro-area so that families can connect, students belong, and growth occur through engagement.